Open letter to hosting services about a support chatbot

Open letter to hosting services about a support chatbot

Hosting services usually have an excellent knowledge base, so an AI chatbot will help them reduce customer response time. This letter aims to establish a connection.

Hello, folks!

We present Wikibot—a smart assistant for customer support services that learns from your documentation and responds to user queries in chat or via email, functioning as a first-line support specialist.

Our advantage lies in quick deployment with almost no "magical" settings required. Just provide us with a link to your knowledge base, and within a few hours, you can start asking questions to the bot and receiving answers.

Under the hood, we use a large language model (LLM), allowing us to focus on speech interaction instead of intricate configurations. Our interface relies on natural language processing, enabling communication with users in their native language.

Therefore, our chatbot understands queries in any formulation, except for genuinely controversial or complex ones, and responds like a human. Regardless of the question's formulation, the chatbot understands the query, finds information in the knowledge base or FAQ, and responds to the user.

We propose using Wikibot for your customer support. This will:

  • Reduce waiting time for customers with instant answers to common questions.
  • Increase customer loyalty by improving service quality and support availability 24/7.
  • Free up resources of your support specialists for more complex tasks, thereby enhancing their efficiency.

Wikibot—an intelligent assistant crafted with a passion for customer support

We listen to our customers and evolve the product together. In the last six months, we've added:

  1. Exception lists—rules for when to transfer to an operator, for example, questions about "money."
  2. Working hours and non-working hours.
  3. Integration with popular Help Desk systems, knowledge bases, chats, and messengers.
  4. Answer algorithm settings, working in prompt and copilot modes.

Check out a sample chatbot: Excel_Wikibot (Excel Assistant)

Read real user reviews about our product on Startpack.

Please forward this letter to the organization's executives.

Let's make customer support smarter with Wikibot!

Supercharge your customer support




Processing tickets


Resolving tickets