Wikibot chatbot is now available on Albato, a leading no-code service integration platform

Wikibot chatbot is now available on Albato, a leading no-code service integration platform

Wikibot is a smart assistant for support services that learns from your documentation and responds to user queries in chat or via email, acting as a first-line support specialist.

The service's advantage lies in its quick start and virtually no "magical" settings to get started. Just provide us with a link to your knowledge base, and within a few hours, you can start asking the bot questions and receive answers.

Instead of a complex script constructor, in Wikibot, you train the bot like a new employee, showing it how to respond to different types of questions. If you don't have a knowledge base, you can create training examples for the bot in Google Sheets or on the Wikibot portal.

The unique feature is the use of the large language model LLM under the hood. Therefore, the bot understands questions in any formulation, except genuinely debatable or complex ones, and responds like a human. Regardless of the formulation, the chatbot understands the question, finds information in the knowledge base or FAQ, and answers the user.

Using Wikibot for customer support will enable you to:

  • Reduce the overall ticket resolution time by providing instant answers to typical questions.
  • Increase customer loyalty by improving service quality and support availability at any time of day or night.
  • Free up your specialists' resources to handle more complex and crucial cases.

Integrating Wikibot with Albato

Integrating Wikibot with Albato opens up many useful scenarios, such as:

  • Adding an intelligent assistant to your service that understands natural language, the most popular interface used by approximately 8 billion people worldwide.
  • Modern helpdesk systems and website chats are already integrated with Wikibot. However, sometimes you need to send only certain types of user questions (tickets) to the bot. Albato is excellent for this. In Albato, you can configure ticket filtering by any fields, as well as additional actions.
  • Using Wikibot in your favorite applications, such as Google Sheets.

Example of Integrating Wikibot with Google Sheets

Let's implement a simple example where the user writes a question in the first column of Google Sheets and receives an answer from their Wikibot in the adjacent cell (second column).

To repeat the example, you need to register with Wikibot and create your bot. The process of creation is detailed in the documentation. In the bot settings, in the API Keys section, you need to add a key.

Example of Integrating Wikibot with Google Sheets

Let's implement a simple example where the user writes a question in the first column of Google Sheets and receives an answer from their Wikibot in the adjacent cell (second column).

To repeat the example, you need to register with Wikibot and create your bot. The process of creation is detailed in the documentation. In the bot settings, in the API Keys section, you need to add a key. 1 1-e1705356394794.png

In the example, we will use the bot Wikibot_support_bot, which was trained on the Wikibot website.

Let's create a new bundle, which will retrieve the value of the cell from Google Sheets, pass the question to Wikibot, and write the answer to the adjacent cell in Google Sheets (the final version of the scheme is shown in the screenshot). 2.png

Now, let's delve into each step.

Add the "Google Sheets: New Row Created" step.

In the settings, you need to select the document where the first column is "Question" and the second column is "Answer Generation."

For such a bundle, it's essential that the Google Sheets document is shared for editing via a link.

Add the "Wikibot: Ask Wikibot a Question" step.

Here, you will need the API key created in the bot settings. 3.png Set "Created a new row: Question Column" as the Query parameter. In the Ticket ID field, set 1, as it is not needed in this example. 4.png

Add the "Google Sheets: Update Row by Number" step.

Set the "Ask Wikibot: Answer" as the value of the answer column. 5.png


Run the bundle and start typing questions in the first column of the document; after 1-2 minutes, answers will start appearing in the second column. Thanks to this bundle, you can quickly assemble a database of your bot's responses for further analysis and improvement of its performance.



Ask questions in the comments about the possibilities of applying natural language artificial intelligence in your products. Wikibot specialists are available

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